David Alexander Ambrose is an award winning independent filmmaker, from Clifton, New Jersey. David’s directing ranges from narrative, to experimental, to music visual, and to documentary. While putting camera placement above all other technical aspects while shooting, David’s belief is that the actor’s performance run the production schedule, and the crew is to stand out of their way, and try to record it. With most of his work in Black & White, David is focused on using color theory to elevate his directing onward. David wants to expand his directing career further to tell more diverse stories the older he gets, stories that expand into different geographical regions in particular.

In 2021, David’s directorial debut short film, “The Bet”, screened part of the 2021 Count Basie Teen + College Film Fest. It was at this same festival David was awarded BEST DIRECTION, and landed him a temp position at Sony Pictures Classics in NYC. In 2022, the same short film, now titled “Bad Beat”, screened at the 16th annual South Dakota Film Festival. This festival was a part of FilmFreeway’s Top 100 Film Festivals of 2022, and David was fortunate enough to be selected. “Bad Beat” was also awarded BEST FILM NOIR at the 2022 Atlantic City CineFest, and screened part of the 2022 Astoria Film Festival.